Ukupna investicija:

€ 35,000

Ulazna naknada:

€ 6,000

Redovna naknada:


Mjesečna naknada za marketing:


Broj franšiznih jedinica

Povrat investicije (ROI)

Trajanje ugovora

Ukupan prihod:

12 000*

* Izračuni su privremeni i neobvezujući.


Godina utemeljenja: 2012

Godina franšiziranja: 2013

Vlastite jedinice: 1

Franšizne jedinice: 20

Ukupan broj jedinica: 21

Broj zaposlenih po jedinici: 3

Trajanje ugovora: 36 mjeseci



Makarun Spaghetti and Salad is the pasta bar franchise network established in Poland.
Within less than four years, Makarun opened 20 spghetterias in Poland and right now the company is expanding with their franchise system worldwide – we have signed an agreement with the Franchisee from Hamburg and Limerick.
Thanks to the innovative idea, modern brand, great taste, high quality products, good locations and marketing activities the business generates operating profit and has very fast return over investment.
Initial Investment Cost for the single Makarun spaghetti bar starts from only 35,000 Euro.
The best showscase is that current Franchisees expand their business and have more than one Makarun spaghetteria.
Thanks to the amount of the sales and careful selection of products, Makarun pasta boxes are one of the cheapest lunch offers in the gastronomy market with more than 4000 satisfied clients daily.

Ideal candidate is somebody who wants to introduce a new brand to their country, has a capital of 35,000 – 55,000 EUR and has time to run their own Makarun spaghetteria.
However, potential Franchisee do not need to have any experience in that kind of business – Makarun representatives will show everything, help in every issue and do their best to make you achieve success.

Firstly, company’s representatives will help to find a suitable location for future spaghetteria.
Then, after signing rental agreement and Franchise Agreement, you will be provided with all information about opening new Makarun spaghetteria: from exact gastronomic equipment to unique recipes.
Talented architect will prepare an interior design for your spaghetteria that will be suitable for the whole network.
Company are responsible for making graphic materials as well. What is more, one week before the opening Makarun spaghetteria’s representatives will arrive and have a training with you and your staff: they will show you how to prepare delicious pasta, how to properly service clients and what to do to encourage them to visit you as often as possible and share their opinion on social media.

Length of franchise agreement (in years): 3 years (in shopping malls – 5 years)
Return on Investment (in months): 12 – 18
Number of employees in 1 unit: approx. 3 (it depends on the size of Makarun spaghetteria)
Number of total units: 21 (1 company-owned unit + 20 franchise units)

Przemysław Robert Tymczyszyn

Co-owner, Co-founder, COO and Chief of International Franchise
